Crafting Digital Success

Driving Your Business to Thrive in the Digital Era


CV Harapan Teknologi Nusantara (Hitechra) is a leading IT agency specializing in software development, IT consulting, web development, and AI solutions, we harness the power of technology to empower businesses across diverse industries

What we do

We Provide Best Solution For You

Software Development

Customized software solutions to optimize processes and drive business growth

IT Consulting

Strategic insights and recommendations to leverage technology for sustainable success

Mobile App Development

Building innovative and user-friendly mobile applications to engage and delight users

AI Solutions

Harnessing AI to automate processes, gain insights, and drive innovation

IT Audit

Thorough assessments and expert analysis to ensure optimal security and compliance


Automate business processes, gain insights, and drive innovation

Our Client's

Understanding and Serving Our Valued Clients

Get in Touch with Us

Phone: (+62) 812-1679-5969
Email: [email protected]

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